Zynga Live Chat For FV

Important: I got a lot of people commenting on my previous live chat steps that they could not get it to work for them no matter what they try, so this is a step-by-step instructions to get it working as per my knowledge. Still, I would like to know if this worked for you or not. So please comment below this note to let me know if it worked for you or not. Give it a try even if you dont have any issue. Just get till the live chat option and let me know if you got it working.

Important Note: Even after following the below steps, there seems to be some odd unknown reason why some players are not able to access live chat from their current locations, but can do the same if accessing it from a different geographic reason... still working on finding a solution to it... till then, a good try would be to change your proxy to some other country (like USA) and then try again after a fresh login to FB & FV... will experiment soon and post results :)

Link to use: www.farmville.com

Link to use: www.farmville.com/support.php

Link to use: http://tinyurl.com/FVchat